Tuesday, February 24, 2009

New attitude

Can it be true? Has going gluten free really adjusted Brady's attitude? It seems to be the case. He is much more easy going, happier, and sleeping better....seems to good to be true!!!!!

I'm still struggling with reading labels and find myself questioning the ingredients...I know it will get easier, but right now it is still so hard...on the wallet too!!!! The prices of gluten free stuff is outrageous...they are leaving stuff out, so shouldn't it be cheaper!!!!! I know it takes more work, so I'm really just kidding, but it is nice to dream!!!

Brady is turning 3 on 2/28, which means he will no longer get in home speech services, but he does qualify through our school district, which means he will go to preschool 2.5 hrs twice a week. It breaks down to an hour of speech a week, but he will also have much more peer interaction. Thankfully going in on an IEP does not require Brady to be potty trained...we are not even close!!!

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