My bad. Well so much to update. Brady is glasses free for at least 3 months. He had an opthamologist appointment last week and she found his eyes had actually improved...I was shocked & thrilled!! I did not think nearsightedness ever improved, so I was just beyond happy.
Next is Dr. Durand....he wants more blood tests (IgG food antibody) to determine what, if any, other allergies are in Brady's system. The bad thing is most allergists don't believe in this test so he sends it off to a specialty lab which, of course, is not covered by our insurance...the test is over $700...what to do, what to do. I put a call in to our allergist to see if she could possibly do this test. If not, I will call our geneticist and our primary to see if anyone else is willing to order the test at a local lab...if possible. We are also taking him off his calcium, doing another elimination diet, adding B6/magnesium, and adding Singulair (Dr. Durand RARELY does prescriptions so I was shocked he wanted to try this). Overall he thinks he is doing ok...aside from the fact that he isn't sleeping well, his eczema is flaring, and his diapers have increased
We were on vacation last week & overall it was a good time. We went to a Fisher Cats game and they allowed us to bring in outside food so Brady could eat while we did...he was upset he couldn't have our snacks, but he is starting to understand that they make his tummy hurt. We also went to the movies (Horton Hears a Who) and Brady loved that (we didn't even ask to bring food, we just did). We went to Roger Williams Zoo in Rhode Island and the kids LOVED the animals so that was a huge success. We took a couple trips to the lake (Elm Brook and Manahan) and they are like little fish. Brady is so much braver this year...perhaps a little too brave! Hillsborough's annual Balloonfest was last week as well. We loved going to see the balloons go was amazing to see them!
Next week we go to the ENT and dentist, then no appointments until October (I hope) which will be a nice little break. School will start again before you know it!
I think that is about it for now!!!
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